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Best Practices | September 11, 2017

Good Practices in Case Management

How Your OVC Program Can Be Ready for a Site Improvement Monitoring System (SIMS) Assessment

The Site Improvement Monitoring System (SIMS) is an important part of the U.S. Government’s efforts to strengthen the quality of services delivered to people affected by HIV. Assessments of PEPFAR-funded OVC programs using the SIMS Community Tool are being carried out in order to ensure that these programs are meeting minimum standards and providing quality services to OVC and their families.

This guide has been written in order to assist OVC program personnel to understand key terms and concepts used in the SIMS Community Tool, specifically the section on case management services for OVC. It is intended to help ensure that OVC program implementers understand the standards and the requirements outlined in the SIMS case management Core Essential Element (CEE). But it also aims to more broadly outline best practices in OVC programming and provide practical guidance in setting up systems and delivering services that will improve the quality of care provided to vulnerable children and their families.

  • Acknowledgements
  • List of Acronyms
  • Introduction
  • Case Management Services
    • A. Introduction
    • B. Principles of Effective Case Management
    • C. Case Management—Critical Steps
      • 1. Identification
      • 2. Eligibility Screening and Enrollment
      • 3. Assessment
      • 4. Development of an Individualized Child-Centered, Family-Focused Case Plan
      • 5. Implementation of the Case Plan
      • 6. Ongoing Monitoring of Case Plan Implementation
      • 7. Case Closure
    • D. Case Files
    • E. Case Workers
  • Annex