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Best Practices | February 4, 2019

Advancing Interreligious Peacebuilding

Emerging guildance based on experience

From 2016-2018, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) implemented a learning effort called Advancing Interreligious Peacebuilding (AIP). The project committed CRS’s internal resources to promote deliberate learning about effective interreligious action for peace, focusing primarily on four projects working on Muslim and Christian dialogue in Egypt, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Philippines and several countries in sub-Saharan Africa. To promote cross-learning among CRS staff and partners, the project organized three annual learning events intended to strengthen replication and adaptation of promising practices in interreligious peacebuilding.

This document offers the key findings and emerging guidance from the three-year effort and the annual learning events. While the lessons discussed are drawn mainly from work with Muslim and Christian groups, many of them are applicable, with appropriate adaptation, to work with other faith communities.